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Believe It To See It

Audio Sermons

Believe It To See It


Believe It To See It


Have you lost your vision? Have you lost your ability to see what God can do? Have you forgotten about His promises? The Word of God warns us that "Where there is no vision, the people parish." It's not speaking of a literal death but a spiritual death. Many lose their vision so slowly they don't even realize it's happening. When you can't see with your physical eyes, you immediately become afraid and lose your sense of direction. The same can be said when you've lost your spiritual vision. You no longer walk by faith but crouch in fear and uncertainty. You no longer focus on what God can do and what He has promised. Instead, you become paralyzed with fear and doubt. God wants you to see through eyes of faith! He wants you to be able to believe it BEFORE you can see it. 

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